Terms and Conditions
NORDBYHUS – NORDBYHUS Sp.z.o.o [Ltd.] – a company incorporated under the laws of Poland, KRS: 0000657470, REGON: 36634522100000 NIP: 836 186 35 02 and having its registered address at Dębowa Góra 59A, 96-116 Dębowa Góra, Poland. NORDBYHUS is the Party to this short-time rental agreement.
Customer – natural or legal person who reserves and/or books an Apartment for short-term stay offered by NORDBYHUS on its webiste – https://nordbyhus.com Customer is the Party to this short-time rental agreement.
Apartment – a holiday Apartment rented for short-term stay, described and offered on our website – https://nordbyhus.com Apartment is a subject of the reservation.
§1. Scope.
- These Terms and Conditions determinate the conditions and rules for booking and renting Apartments presented on the webiste – https://nordbhus.com and other agent’s websites which offers NORDBYHUS’s apartments and for other Apartments offered by NORDBYHUS. These Terms and Conditions specify the conditions and describe check-in, check-out procedures and complaint policy.
- Making reservation is tantamount to getting acquainted and acception of The Terms and Conditions. Making a reservation is considered as entering into an Apartment short-time rental agreement between NORDBYHUS and a Customer, under regulations specified in The Terms and Conditions and the price list.
- NORDBYHUS can rent Apartments for shor-time stay under contract between NORDBYHUS and Apartment’s owner.
§2. Reservation and payment.
- All Apartments offered by NORDBYHUS are presented and described on the website – https://nordbyhus.com
- The customer can book the Apartment in the following ways:
- by placing an order through the reservation system available on our website – https://nordbyhus.com,
- by sending an e-mail to: info@nordbyhus.com, or by calling NORDBYHUS on +48 510 069 112
- Customer who placed the reservation will receive on e-mail address a confirmation that the order has been received. If the Customer does not receive the confirmation on e-mail address, it means that the reservation has not been confirmed and it will not be proceeded.
The Customer can pay for the order in following ways:
- by making a pre-payment of 30% the reservation value on a NORDBYHUS’s bank account. Payment detalis and amount will be delivered to Guest by e-mail in separate e-mail message. The remaining amount must be paid by cash or credit card right after arrival or on NORDBYHUS’s bank account before arrival,
- by paying the whole reservation value on NORDBYHUS’s bank account before arrival.
The Customer can pay for the apartment by sending a wire transfer, by debit/credit card through reservation system on our website or by sending debit/credit card details through reservation system on our website.
- Once pre-payment or payment is received and registered on NORDBYHUS’s bank account, the customer will receive a confirmation of a reservation on e-mail. The agreement between Customer and NORDBYHUS comes into the force as soon as NORDBYHUS provides written confirmation of a reservation to Customer by e-mail. Confirmation of a reservation means that the reservation is confirmed and the Apartment is booked.
- If the reservation is placed by telephone, customer will also receive a confirmation that the order has been received and payment informations on e-mail. In this case, customer is obligated to make a payment to NORDBYHUS’s bank account within 2 wokring days (48 hours) of receiving a confirmation that the order has been received. Once pre-payment or payment is received and registered on NORDBYHUS’s bank account, the customer will receive a confirmation of a reservation on e-mail. The agreement between Customer and NORDBYHUS comes into the force as soon as NORDBYHUS provides written confirmation of a reservation to Customer by e-mail. Confirmation of a reservation means that the reservation is confirmed and the Apartment is booked.
- Should the pre-payment or payment does not appear on NORDBYHUS’s bank account, it is considered as a withdrawal from the agreement. It means that the reservation will be cancelled.
- If the pre-payment or payment will appear on NORDBYHUS’s bank account after the period specified hereinabove, the reservation can be restored only if the Apartment is still available.
- The Apartment can be booked for minimum 1 day. If the Customer does not receive a confirmation of received order or a confirmation of reservation within 24 hours of placing the booking, he/she should contact NORDBYHUS by calling us on +48 510 069 112 or sending us an e-mail to: info@nordbyhus.com
§3. Prices and fees.
- The customer will find the order amount on confirmation of received order and confirmation of reservation sent to customer by e-mail.
- All prices include VAT.
- Only basic services: providing bedding, cleaning fee and the city tax are included in the price.
- In order to secure fulfillent of this obligation Nordbyhus reserves the right to take a deposit of PLN 250/EUR 60 when keys are given to the customer. The deposit is paid back on the departure day providing that NORDBYHUS has no objection to the technical condition of the Apartment of its fittings during the check-out. The deposit can be paid by cash or by credit card. The deposit is interest-free. The amount of PLN 250/EUR 60 may be charged to cover costs in case of damages in the Apartment. If the amount of damages are higher than the deposit amount, the Customer agrees to cover to total amount of damages in the Apartment.
- Extra cleaning, extra sets of sheets for bed, any extra services and attractions offered by NORDBYHUS are not included in room price.
§4. Cancellation of reservation and prolonging the stay.
- By choosing the flexible offer, the customer can, free-of-charge, cancel or change the reservation until 14 days before arrival. If the customer cancel the reservation until 14 days before arrival and:
- has pre-paid 30% of the reservation value, the amount will be returned to customer’s bank account within 10 working days, or in case of majeure forces circumstances wishing 180 working days;
- has paid the whole reservation value, the amount will be returned to customer’s bank account within 10 working days, or in case of majeure forces circumstances wishing 180 working days;
If the customer cancel the reservation in 14 days before arrival and:
- has pre-paid 30% of the reservation value, the amount will not be refounded to the customer,
- has paid the whole reservation value, NORDBYHUS will keep 30% of the amount, and refound remaining 70% of reservation value to customer’s bank account within 10 working days, or in case of majeure forces circumstances wishing 180 working days;
- By choosing a non-refundable offer the customer can cancel the reservation, but NORDBYHUS will charge the customer whole reservation amount in case of cancellation.
- Change of rental period is possible only if the Apartment is available in the period customer asks for. Rates are subject to change as a result of changes in customer’s arrival and departure dates.
- The Customer is obligated to inform NORDBYHUS immidately if want to leave the Apartment before check-out date. In this case NORDBYHUS will arrange handover and performe inspection of the Apartment as soon as possible.
- The Customer may prolong the stay by making a new reservation at NORDBYHUS, providing that the Apartment is available on the days customer asks for. Rates are subject to change as a result of changes in customer’s arrival and departure dates.
§5. Cancellation of reservation by NORDBYHUS.
- Events outside NORDBYHUS control – such strikes, lockouts, fire, flood, power, water, gas outage, which makes it impossible to fulfil the obligations in this agreement – gives the right to terminate agreement without liability. Should such events occur, NORDBYHUS will to its best to notify customer of this as soon as possible and where possible will offer alternative accomodation.
- In case of events outside NORDBYHUS control – such as serious damages in the Apartment – NORDBYHUS reserves the right to offer an alternative accomodation to customer. If customer refuses the alternative accomodation it gives the right to terminate agreement without liability.
§6. Rules of stay.
- NORDBYHUS is obligated to prepare the Apartment before customer’s arrival. The Apartment should be cleaned and equipped in the way described in announcement available on https://nordbyhus.com We ask customer to notify NORDBYHUS immidately if there are some damages in the Apartment. Damages will be fixed as soon as possible.
- The Customer must be at least 18 years old. Children under 18 years old can stay at the Apartment only under supervision of an adult. Adult is the only one responsible for child during the whole stay at the Apartment. Number of people that can stay at the Apartment is limited to the number of people provided on the Internet – https://nordbyhus.com and in the reservation made by Customer. If at the check-out it turns out that the amount of people staying at the Apartment was bigger than the number declared by Customer, NORDBYHUS has the right to charge a payment for an additional person – PLN 200 for each.
- A Customer can use an Apartment only as a place to live and cannot sublet it.
- Apartment check-in starts from 16.00 on the first day of the period booked. Any changes to it must be agreed with NORDBYHUS. Guest are obligated to notify NORDBYHUS of the exact time of arrival not later than one day before arrival.
- The Customer is obligated to control, check technical conditions, cleanliness and handover the Apartment when representative of NORDBYHUS is present.
- The Customer shall collect the keys from the representative of NORDBYHUS at check-in. The Apartment’s keys cannot be make available to third parties.
- Check-out time is until 10.00 on the last day of the booked period. Until 10.00, the Customer is required to return the keys to the representative of NORDBYHUS. Before check-out in customer’s presence, representative of NORDBYHUS will control and check technical condition of the Apartment and its fittings.
- NORDBYHUS reserves right to refuse accommodation, if the Customer:
- does not have a vaild ID or cannot confirm the identity,
- behaves aggressively, uncivilly or is intoxicated,
- has broken regulations of The Terms and Conditions during last stay at the Apartment.
- The Customer is obligated to pay attention to appropriate using water, gas valves and electric appliances. Because of fire control, the Customer is not allowed to use any electronic devices which are not a part of the fittings. The exceptions are: mobile phones, chargers, radios, computer, electric razor, hairdryer.
- During the stay the Customer is obligated to obey the Apartment’s regulations and the norms of good life with neighbours. Customer is obligated to obey quite hours from 22.00 – 06.00
- If quiet hours are disturbed and a representative of Nordbyhus is called to the Apartment by neighbours or by the Police, NORDBYHUS har right to terminate the contract with immediate effect without obligation to pay back the sum for renting an Apartment and remove Customer along with any accompanying people from the Apartment.
- If representative from NORDBYHUS is called to the Apartment without any sensible reason, NORDBYHUS has right to charge a payment on amount of PLN 50.
- The Customer is obliged to use the Apartment for its intended purpose, not to remove any of the Apartment’s equipment, as well as not to copy the Apartment’s keys.
- Smoking in the Apartments is strictly prohibited. Any Customer not adhering to the ban will be charged with the fee of PLN 500 to cover the costs of washing of, among others, the Apartment’s curtains, carpets and linen.
- A Customer is obligated to pay due attention to appropriate using water and gas valves and electric appliances. A Customer is obligated to check if the doors and windows are closed when he/she lefts Apartment. Customer is obligated to care about keys.
- The Customer undertakes not to keep animals in the Apartment, unless pets are allowed.
- In case of violation of any of the rules set out in The Terms and Conditions, NORDBYHUS is entitled to deduct the fee for undeclared persons staying in the Apartment, damages or the cost of bringing the Apartment to its original state. If the value of the claim exceeds the value of the deposit, the client is obliged to pay the difference immediately.
- In the event of an exceptionally serious breach of the rules set out in The Terms and Conditions, NORDBYHUS has right to terminate the contract with immediate effect and remove Customer along with any accompanying people from the Apartment.
- The Guest has the right to exercise the right to complaint and redress services in this respect, in accordance with the applicable laws. Please contact NORDBYHUS by calling: +48 510 069 112 or sending an e-mail to: info@nordbyhus.com regarding all complaints, wishes and needs.
§7. Complaints.
- The Guest has the right to exercise the right to complaint and redress services in this respect, in accordance with the applicable laws.
- In order for the complaint to be consider it must be applied in writing to NORDBYHUS. All complaints should be sent to company‘s address or by e-mail to: info@nordbyhus.com
- All complaints must include personal data, address, e-mail address, mobile number, booking number and detailed description. Complaints without hereinabove information will not be considered.
- Complaints will be considered within 14 wokring days from the date of ther receipt. Information on the effect of the complaint will be sent to the Customer to the postal or email address indicated by the Customer.
§8. Miscellaneous.
- All prices are subject to change without notice at any time.
- NORDBYHUS is obligated to fix any faults discovered at the Apartment within 24 hours from the day it has been discovered. In case of serious fault which cannot be fixed within 24 hours, NORDBYHUS is obligated to repair the fault as soon as possible. Faults which are outside NORDBYHUS control are not considered as a reason to complaint.
- NORDBYHUS is not responsible for a loss or a damage of things brought to an apartment by a client. The same concerns clients’ cars or things left in them.
- The original Polish version of these Terms and Conditions may have been translated into other languages. The translated version is a courtesy and office translation only and you cannot derive any rights from the translated version. In the event of a dispute about the contents or interpretation of these terms and conditions or inconsistency or discrepancy between the Polish version and any other language version of these terms and conditions, the Polish language version to the extent permitted by law shall apply, prevail and be conclusive.
- To the extent permitted by law, these Terms and Conditions and the provision of our services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Polish law and any dispute arising out of these general terms and conditions and our services shall exclusively be submitted to the competent courts in Poland.
- NORDBYHUS bears no responsibility under the civil law for unfortunate accidents, personal injuries or death of Customers or third parties on the premises during the renting NORDBYHUS holds free and harmless from such responsibility.